The FormSet component gives you both a HTML form element <form>
by default and also a React provider for FormRow. This way you can define more globally e.g. if all the rows should be displayed vertically.
Code Editor
<FormSet direction="vertical"> <FormRow>Components are now vertical aligned</FormRow> <FormRow>Components are now vertical aligned</FormRow> </FormSet>
In order to replace FormSet or FormRow you may use the Eufemia Provider and Flex as well as the Eufemia Forms Extension.
e.g. before:
Code Editor
<FormSet label_direction="vertical"> <H2 top={0}>Heading</H2> <FormRow label={<span className="dnb-h--medium">Legend</span>}> <Input label="Label A" right /> <Input label="Label B" /> </FormRow> </FormSet>
e.g. after (two examples):
Code Editor
<Provider formElement={{ label_direction: 'vertical', }} > <Form.Handler> <H2 top={0}>Heading</H2> <FieldBlock label={<span className="dnb-h--medium">Legend</span>}> <Flex.Horizontal> <Input label="Label A" /> <Input label="Label B" /> </Flex.Horizontal> </FieldBlock> </Form.Handler> </Provider>
Code Editor
<Form.Handler> <Flex.Stack> <Form.MainHeading>Heading</Form.MainHeading> <FieldBlock label={<span className="dnb-h--medium">Legend</span>}> <Flex.Horizontal> <Field.String label="Label A" width="medium" /> <Field.String label="Label B" width="large" /> </Flex.Horizontal> </FieldBlock> </Flex.Stack> </Form.Handler>